We explain in detail what your dog's behavior really means! | Moroccan Daily News

We explain in detail what your dog's behavior really means!

 We explain in detail what your dog's behavior really means!

Here is an article that may well serve all those among you who have the joy and happiness of sharing your daily life with a dog. Indeed, dogs are exceptional animals and they bring a real presence to all those who make them their pet. They have their own body language and know how to make themselves understood perfectly well… at least when we know how to detect the meaning of what they are trying to express in their behavior. If you are wondering what this strange or recurring behavior of your dog corresponds to, do not hesitate to browse this article: you will finally understand how your favorite pet lets you know his desires and feelings through their actions. You will definitely learn some great things!

Standing on its hind legs

Dogs are animals that walk on all fours. We don't teach you anything. But sometimes they stand up on their two hind legs. There are several possible reasons for this. Most of the time, dogs do this to show their affection. Just like humans, they just want a hug once in a while. Surrounded by other dogs however, they might act like this to play mischievously. But rest assured: there is nothing to worry about as long as they don't growl or are aggressive.

 Bite all types of objects

When you decide to take a dog home, you have to expect that, baby, they will chew everything they find. Indeed, puppies tend to chew on various objects when they are teething. But be careful, because it can mean something else when dogs act like that when they are no longer babies, and it does not mean that they are mean! Chances are they just aren't getting enough physical activity, or at least not the amount they actually need. A good way to remedy this is to take them out for a walk. In summary, if your dog starts chewing your furniture and various objects, it's time to give him a good dose of exercise!

 The way dogs bark

A dog that never barks is a dog… stuffed animal! Indeed, just like humans, dogs can give voice! And there are several reasons why your pet might be barking. For example, loud and frequent barking will mean there is a problem or something urgent to check. Indeed dogs can sense danger and yours could then try to warn you. Shorter, softer barks, on the other hand, usually mean they want to play. Shrill barking can indicate that they are in pain somewhere. Be sure to pay attention to your dog's type of bark to figure out what it is.

 Drop you off toys

Dogs are not solitary animals. It therefore happens very regularly that they solicit their masters or even strangers, for example in addition to depositing objects such as their own toys. But don't get me wrong, that doesn't necessarily mean he wants to play with you. It could apparently be their way of seducing and pleasing their master or the one to whom their behavior is directed. The dog sees you as the alpha and seeks to show you respect. Another theory claims that this is how your dog shows he trusts you. He trusts you so much that he brings you an object that has value in his eyes. Of course, it could also mean that he loves you so much that he wants to share his most precious possession with you. Because of this, you might hurt his feelings by not taking the toy.

 when dogs yawn

You know why men yawn, right? either they are bored or they are tired. But more surprisingly, dogs yawn when they feel safe. In their case, it is a sign of submission. A dog that yawns 15 times is clearly relaxed. However, dogs may also yawn to show stress, nervousness, or impatience. When a dog is at the vet, for example, many yawns can reflect his nervousness. If the dogs do the same thing before going out for a walk, know that this is a way to control their enthusiasm. Finally, just like humans, they also yawn to show how tired they are.

Moving the ears

A dog that moves its ears means that it is listening to what is happening around. This is a common behavior in animals. This mostly happens when they are unfamiliar with a sound, need to replace it and try to understand it. You should let your dog play detective without intervening when you see his ears moving. It's even more adorable when it comes to puppies, real observant and curious little creatures!

About hicham

I’m a Pro Blogger. Having my 3+ website. I got engineering degree in computer science engineering. But, I am more appreciated to online business. Now, I ‘m full time blogger and enjoying my journey as well. I started my online carrier since 2018, April. After, research more I got the blogging. Now, I working on Google Ads Network and Affiliate Marketing also.


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