6 Reasons Why Sport Makes You Happier | Moroccan Daily News

6 Reasons Why Sport Makes You Happier


6 Reasons Why Sport Makes You Happier

Millions of people lace up their sports shoes and run every day. Why? The answer ist quite easy. Because it makes you happy. Regular exercise not only has a positive effect on endurance, muscles and weight. The psyche also benefits from it. You’ve probably had this feeling of well-being, relaxation and even euphoria after training. Your head is free and the thoughts of the stressful work day are gone. But what exactly triggers this beautiful feeling? We know: Sport makes you happy. We’ll tell you why exactly in this post.

Sport Reduces Stress

Have you ever had a hard day at work? Even if the couch is tempting, it’s time to lace up your running shoes or hit the gym. Sport promotes the release of norepinephrine. This is responsible for reducing stress. Sports like cycling clear your head. Because cycling is an automated movement that you don’t have to think about. If you exercise regularly, you fall into a rhythm between tension and relaxation. This keeps your body healthy and ensures mental and emotional well-being.

Feelings Of Happiness Through Movement

There are days when you get up and are super happy. And then there are still days when you are just annoyed with everything. Exercising in the morning can help you turn your frown lines into laugh lines. Physical activity promotes the release of endorphins. That means: Sport makes you happy! Doctors are convinced that these happiness hormones even relieve depression. Even 30 minutes of exercise per week should be enough to increase your well-being. If you train outdoors, the effects are even stronger.

Regular Exercise Builds Your Self-Confidence

But what is the real reason that sports make you happy? You are probably familiar with this liberating feeling after a swim, cycling or jogging session. Your head is clear and all the negative thoughts are gone. You are proud of yourself and feel really fit. Fitness builds your self-confidence and makes you less self-critical. Sports in particular, in which you notice small improvements very quickly, are good for your self-confidence.

The Brain Benefits

When you exercise, you give your brain more work to do. As a result, the nerve cells of the brain are better supplied with blood and supplied with more nutrients. Regular exercise, therefore, improves the performance of the brain. This makes decision-making easier and improves thinking and learning.

Sport Reduces Anxiety

Going for a jog or having a real workout with interval training makes you much calmer than a warm bath. Exercise helps relieve anxiety disorders. In particular, moderate to intensive training can reduce feelings of fear in the long term.

Lower Chances For Addiction

Sport makes you happy and healthy. Because when we move, our brain releases the happiness hormone dopamine. But this is also the case with alcohol, drugs, sex or food. Some people get addicted to the feeling that dopamine is giving them. Exercise can help control addiction. Movement distracts from the actual desire. Susceptibility to addiction, such as alcohol addiction, disrupts various body processes. This includes, among other things, the sleep rhythm. Exercise resets the body’s clock and addiction problems can be reduced.


About hicham

I’m a Pro Blogger. Having my 3+ website. I got engineering degree in computer science engineering. But, I am more appreciated to online business. Now, I ‘m full time blogger and enjoying my journey as well. I started my online carrier since 2018, April. After, research more I got the blogging. Now, I working on Google Ads Network and Affiliate Marketing also.


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