What Is Frictional Unemployment | Moroccan Daily News

What Is Frictional Unemployment

What Is Frictional Unemployment: Examples, Causes, Rates
Definition: Frictional unemployment is when workers leave their jobs to find better ones. It's usually thought of as a voluntary exit, but can also occur as a result of a layoff or termination with cause. The time, effort, and expense it takes to find these new jobs is known as friction. It occurs because workers need to learn about possible new employment opportunities, go on interviews, and possibly move before starting their new jobs.
It's an unavoidable part of the job search process. However, the good news is that it's usually short-term.


Why does frictional employment exist? It's more logical for workers to hold onto their existing jobs until they find new ones. Often, workers must move for unrelated reasons before they can start searching for new jobs. They might have gotten married or have to care for elderly relatives. Other times, they might have saved enough money so they can quit unfulfilling jobs, and have the luxury to search until they find just the right opportunities.
During a recession, frictional unemployment drops. Why? Workers are afraid to quit their jobs, even if they don't like them. They know it will be difficult to find better ones. But cyclical unemployment more than offsets the decline in frictional unemployment. That's because businesses lay off employees whether they like their jobs or not.


Frictional unemployment is not as harmful to an economy as the other types of unemployment, such as cyclical and structural unemployment. That's because a rise in frictional unemployment is simply an increase of workers moving toward better positions. Even if employees leave due to firings or company-specific layoffs, it means they were out of sync with their positions or managers, or that they are leaving uncompetitive companies or industries.
In any case, they will win positions that are better for them as a result.
Frictional unemployment benefits the economy. It allows companies the opportunity to find qualified workers. If there were no unemployment, if everyone stayed in their jobs until they found a new one, it would be more difficult, time-consuming and expensive for companies to bring on good workers. Labor costswould rise, creating cost-push inflation. On the other hand, workers' pay would increase, reducing U.S. income inequality.


A good illustration of frictional unemployment is when students graduate from high school, college or any higher degree. A second example is mothers who are entering or rejoining the workforce after their children are old enough. A third example is a construction worker moving to Arizona in the winter. They aren't counted in the frictional unemployment figures until they start actively searching for work. In all of these examples, they are improving their financial situations. 

Frictional Unemployment Rate

The frictional unemployment rate measures the workers who are actively looking for jobs and are only unemployed because they haven't yet found their new positions.
Divide this number by the total number of the labor force to get the rate. TheBureau of Labor Statistics can give you some clues to approximate the frictional unemployment rate in the monthly Employment Report. Go to the "Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted." It supplies three numbers, under "Reasons for Unemployment," that will give you a good estimate of those that are frictionally unemployed:
  1. Job leavers (those that voluntarily quit their jobs),
  2. Reentrants,
  3. New entrants.
Add these together, and divide by the total number of unemployed to get a good approximation of the frictional unemployment rate. (Source: "Sources of Secular Increases in the Unemployment Rate," Monthly Labor Review.)


Frictional unemployment can be reduced by bringing better information about jobs to the worker. That was accomplished by job matching services on the Internet, such as Simply Hired, Monster ,and CareerBuilder. Nevertheless, it still takes time to write a compelling resume, search for the right job, apply, wait for a response and go through the interview process. Furthermore, many job seekers still find the best source of new jobs is through their professional network. Even this has been helped by online services such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Frictional unemployment cannot be reduced through expansionary monetary policy, like other types of unemployment can be. In fact, it might even increase it. That's because, in a booming economy, jobs are in a higher supply. Often employers have a hard time find qualified candidates. In the expansion phase of thebusiness cycle, workers feel more confident to quit their job in search of a better one. That increases frictional unemployment. 

About hicham

I’m a Pro Blogger. Having my 3+ website. I got engineering degree in computer science engineering. But, I am more appreciated to online business. Now, I ‘m full time blogger and enjoying my journey as well. I started my online carrier since 2018, April. After, research more I got the blogging. Now, I working on Google Ads Network and Affiliate Marketing also.


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