Marrakech hosts the 2nd Governance, Entrepreneurship and Performances colloquium | Moroccan Daily News

Marrakech hosts the 2nd Governance, Entrepreneurship and Performances colloquium

 Marrakech hosts the 2nd Governance, Entrepreneurship and Performances colloquium

On June 3 and 4, La Cité ocre will host the 2nd edition of the international conference Governance, Entrepreneurship and Performances under the theme “Governance and management of public organizations: towards which models of value creation”.

Organized by the Moroccan Association for Governance, Entrepreneurship and Performance (AMGEP), the Organizational Management Research Laboratory (LAREGO) and the National School of Commerce and Management of Marrakech (ENCG), this event offers the opportunity to debate governance and management systems, allowing public organizations to create more value to support and revive the economy, said a press release from the organizers.

Thus, more than 300 participants, 60 university professors, 100 doctoral students and 40 professionals, from 7 different countries, meet during this conclave to discuss and analyze the governance mechanisms of public organizations, to expose the best management practices and study the scenarios allowing the achievement of performances, and therefore the way out of the crisis.

According to the organizers, the health crisis linked to Covid-19 has heavily impacted society and the economy, to the point that several actors are turning to the state and public organizations to mitigate the repercussions of this crisis and ensure recovery.

Indeed, the pandemic has strengthened the role of the State and public organizations, which must use all governance mechanisms to ensure optimal management of the Covid-19 and post-covid-19 period, both on the both economically and socially.

According to Professor Said Ouhadi, president of the organizing committee, quoted by the press release, “the public sector has undergone several reforms over the past ten years, and must not only set an example for the private sector. in terms of governance, but also placing effectiveness, efficiency and value creation at the heart of its strategy, in order to promote good governance practices, consolidate the advances made by the Kingdom in this area, such as The latest ChandlerGood Government Index confirms this, and contributes effectively to the recovery of the economy ”.

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