Police: Emmanuel Macron urges the government on police ethics | Moroccan Daily News

Police: Emmanuel Macron urges the government on police ethics

Police: Emmanuel Macron urges the government on police ethics


Faced with the proliferation of demonstrations against racism and police violence, Emmanuel Macron urges the government to "accelerate" in its proposals to improve police ethics.


According to the Élysée, Emmanuel Macron spoke on this subject on Sunday with Prime Minister Édouard Philippe and Interior Minister Christophe Castaner. A meeting that takes place in the context of the emotion provoked around the world by the death of George Floyd in the United States. In France, more than 23,000 demonstrators marched on Saturday to denounce police violence and demand “justice for all”.

The President of the Republic urged the members of the government concerned to take up the various aspects of the subject. Police ethics, but also city politics and racism. He also asked Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet to look into the 2016 death case of Adama Traoré, a 24-year-old black youth, during an arrest.

The head of state thus asked Christophe Castaner to take stock of ethical issues and to carry out the work he called on the government in January to "improve the ethics" of law enforcement officials. A request that followed the crisis of "yellow vests" and the demonstrations against the pension reform. The measures envisaged after the WhatsApp loop affair "and racist remarks made by police officers on social networks were also discussed.

"Georges Floyd" effect

“In the emotional context of the death of George Floyd in the United States, part of the national community protests against racism and questions the action of law enforcement. We want to respond to this anger with transparency and action, ”said Matignon. "This work will be the subject of a communication from the minister at the beginning of the week," said the same source.

"The Prime Minister will also have the opportunity to present the government's action in priority neighborhoods," she added, referring to "an effort of solidarity" while a trip by Édouard Philippe in one of these neighborhoods is under study. According to the Élysée, Emmanuel Macron also spoke with City Minister Julien Denormandie on issues concerning racism, neighborhoods and city politics.

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