The main points of the report of the Commission on the development model (CSMD) | Moroccan Daily News

The main points of the report of the Commission on the development model (CSMD)

The main points of the report of the Commission on the development model (CSMD)



King Mohammed VI received, Tuesday, May 25 at the royal palace in Fez, the president of the Special Commission on the CSMD development model, Chakib Benmoussa, for the long-awaited presentation of the report on the new development model. Here are the main founding features. 

The report is a voluminous document divided into three main parts. The commission proposed that it give birth to a national development pact, a proposal endorsed by King Mohammed VI. It calls for the mobilization of all the country's potential by putting "people" at the heart of public policy priorities.

The first part is that of the diagnosis. It consists in identifying the causes of failure of the current model. The CSMD analyzed the current development model and listed its achievements, weaknesses and potential areas for improvement.

Four nodes have been identified as causing the current model to run out of steam:

First, the lack of vertical consistency between the development vision and the public policies announced and the weak horizontal convergence between these policies.

Second, the slowness of the structural transformation of the economy affected by the high costs of factors of production and hampered by the low level of openness to new, innovative and competitive players.

This is followed by the limited capacities of the public sector to design and implement accessible and quality public services in areas essential to the daily life and well-being of citizens.

Finally, a feeling of judicial insecurity and unpredictability which limits initiatives, due to a discrepancy between certain laws comprising "gray areas" and the social realities experienced, of a justice which suffers from a lack of confidence. .

The governance

In terms of method or governance, the Commission advocates a new organizational doctrine: that of "the complementarity between a strong State and a strong society". It is about creating a creative balance between national policies supported by the state over time and regional and local dynamics offering greater room for action, experimentation and innovation.

This principle of balance between a strong State and a strong society has implications for the place and role of the main actors: public, private or third sector actors. It strengthens the legitimacy of these actors and enshrines their representativeness. It broadens their field of intervention and contribution to the creation of material and immaterial wealth. It empowers them in the implementation of the new model and promotes synergy and complementarity between the different stakeholders.

The constitutive elements of this framework are: strengthened justice, clear laws, transparent rules applicable to all, the accountability of actors through the regular evaluation of their actions, and strict respect for ethical and moral values. .

The 4 strategic axes

Four axes constituting the strategic vectors of development: these are the economy, agriculture, tourism, and education / health.

The transformation of the economy requires in particular: freeing private initiative and entrepreneurship, improving the competitiveness of the productive fabric, directing investment from the private sector, large groups and SMEs, towards growth sectors and future and towards the move upmarket of productive systems, and to promote the social economy.

In agriculture, the current health crisis has highlighted the challenges of food sovereignty and the development of modern agriculture, with high added value, inclusive and responsible.

With regard to tourism, a new lease of life in the sector could be brought by the development of all the assets of the territories, as much to boost domestic tourism as to attract new segments of global demand.

With regard to health and education, the foundations for improving human capital, the Commission recommends: strengthening the supply of public services in all regions and ensuring equitable access to them, alongside a private sector, a responsible and ethical partner; focus on the quality of services, as measured by the achievements of the students, by the level of competence of the students and their employability and by an offer of care which makes effective the generalization of the health coverage.


The implementation of the new model requires management able to create the conditions for ownership by all stakeholders and to monitor achievements.

In this sense, two tools are proposed by the Commission: The first is a National Development Pact which would seal the commitment of the country's driving forces around a course and a frame of reference shared by all. This pact could be solemnly adopted by the actors concerned and would constitute a strong moral and political commitment before the King and the entire nation.

The second tool is a mechanism, under the authority of the King, dedicated to monitoring the NMD, boosting strategic projects and supporting change management. Its missions will be to publicize the New Development Model and ensure its widest dissemination, and to ensure the consistency of the strategies and reforms proposed for the implementation of the NMD with the framework and the National Development Pact. upstream of their adoption by the competent authorities, by formulating opinions and recommendations.

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