Education / Age set at 30: Benmoussa does not give up against the unions | Moroccan Daily News

Education / Age set at 30: Benmoussa does not give up against the unions


Education / Age set at 30: Benmoussa does not give up against the unions


During the meeting on Tuesday, which brought together the most representative unions in the education sector with their supervisors, Minister Chakib Benmoussa did not give up on the new conditions for access to the profession, announced recently, which have created a broad controversy, but of which he is very convinced. Point.


The department of Chakib Benmoussa announced Friday, November 19 a series of conditions for the recruitment of teachers and administrative executives among which, the establishment of a pre-selection procedure for the written competition on the basis of objective and rigorous criteria, the introduction of a cover letter required from candidates, setting the age at 30 or even the impossibility of teachers in the private sector to join the public sector without the consent of their boss.


Conditions that have not been to the liking of the education unions who see it as "discrimination", in addition to the fact that they were not informed of these new measures, while they had met. with the minister a few days before the announcement. During the meeting on Tuesday, the most representative unions in the sector (UMT, FNE, SNE, UGTM, FDT) denounced the latest measures taken by the ministry.


“We were surprised by the ministry's latest announcement and expressed it well at the very start of the meeting. Especially since we were in full dialogue with the supervisory authorities a few days before, about the claims of professionals in the sector. But the department suddenly decided to take these steps without joining the discussions. These are measures which affect us deeply and which form the basis of the system in terms of human resources management. And starting from there, begins the debate on the statute which is one of the subjects posed on the table of the discussions ”, declared to Hespress Fr, Abdelghani Raki, secretary general of the National Union of education (SNE) affiliated to the CDT.


At Tuesday's meeting, the unions called on Education Minister Chakib Benmoussa to reverse his decision. But the latter does not want to hear anything. He is more attached than ever to these conditions of access to the profession, which for him constitute a "painful" step, perhaps, but "necessary" for the reform of the education system in order to respond to the demands of Moroccan families for a quality public school.


The other condition that has aroused the outrage of unions is the inability of a private teacher to join public school without permission from his boss, the head of the private school.


According to Raki, “the pressure undergone by the ministry from the lobbies of private education who see their teachers leaving private school for the public, pushed the supervisory authority to put in place this condition which leaves the teacher to the thank you from the boss of the school where he does not even benefit from health insurance, in certain cases ”, he raised.


After the unions' insistence on this precise point, the Ministry of Education finally gave in, but in a "vague" manner, by accepting the delivery of a copy of the resignation of the teacher wishing to leave the private sector for the public. . But without specifying whether the resignation must be accepted by the school administration or simply legalized, explains the trade unionist.


Asked whether the ministry was receptive during this meeting to the cries of distress emanating from people affected by the new conditions of access to the profession, the SG of the SNE told us that "the ministry does not want to reverse its decision".

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