Morocco extradites Uighur activist to China | Moroccan Daily News

Morocco extradites Uighur activist to China


Morocco extradites Uighur activist to China


The Moroccan Court of Cassation has approved the extradition of a Uighur activist, who was arrested in July upon his arrival to Morocco for charges of “terrorist acts”, his lawyer said Thursday to AFP.

“We have not yet received the verdict to know the merits of this decision, but it is psychologically difficult for him,” said the Chinese detainee’s lawyer, Miloud Kandil.

Yediresi Ishan, a 33-year-old computer engineer, and father of three has been based in Turkey since 2012, where he worked as a web designer and activist and had residency papers.

Aishan worked on a Uyghur diaspora online newspaper and assisted other activists in media outreach and collecting testimonies of abuse in China’s Xinjiang province, according to the Guardian.

After repeated arrests in Turkey, Aishan left Istanbul for Casablanca on the evening of July, 19.

Moroccan authorities have arrested Ishan in exile because of a Chinese terrorism warrant distributed by Interpol, according to information from Moroccan police.

Human rights activists said the arrest was politically driven as part of a broader Chinese campaign to hunt down perceived dissidents outside its borders.

Interpol and the Chinese embassy in Morocco did not respond to requests for comment on the arrest. The exact charges against him were unclear.


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