Polisario leaders, probably on the run, stranded in northern Mauritania | Moroccan Daily News

Polisario leaders, probably on the run, stranded in northern Mauritania


Polisario leaders, probably on the run, stranded in northern Mauritania


Authorities in the city of BirMoghrein, the northernmost Mauritanian city of the country, were surprised by the unexpected arrival last Tuesday of two "official" Polisario cars. They were carrying separatist leaders, who were allegedly overheard by the local gendarmerie on the background of their illegal entry into Mauritania.


It is a small regional electronic site in northern Mauritania, zoueratemediamedia.info, whose local information is generally very credible, which announces the entry into Mauritanian territory, on the morning of Tuesday, December 7, of "two Sahrawi cars. carrying Polisario leaders ”.




They would have arrived at BirMoghrein, located 250 km southwest of Bir Lahlou, a locality in the buffer zone of the northeast of the Sahara, after declaring to the Mauritanian gendarmerie that they were going to Mauritania "to choose union centers. with a view to inviting them to participate in a meeting which will be organized soon in the Algerian town of Tindouf ”, writes ZouerateMedia.

According to the sources of this same site, these leaders, of whom he does not specify either the number or the identity, are still being held there while waiting to clarify their situation, especially since usually, the Polisario leaders come by, to be go to Mauritania, through the diplomatic channels of the Algerian embassy in Nouakchott to request entry authorization and announce their date of arrival by road or plane.




This unexpected arrival, added to the vagueness of the justification for the illegal entry, suggests that it would probably be a matter of a flight, in order to seek asylum in Mauritania or to reach the Moroccan Sahara through the Consulate. Moroccan, located in Nouadhibou.




The hypothesis of the flight to Mauritania is all the more logical as since the announcement of their arrival in Bir Moghrein, no more information has filtered out on their fate. Especially since if they had been turned back to Tindouf, it would have been officially announced. It is therefore probable that for the safety of these "fugitives", the Mauritanian authorities preferred to remain silent on this affair while awaiting its outcome.




Currently, only a Polisario leader can leave the Lahmada camps, knowing that he has an authorization to travel, unlike the inhabitants of the Sahrawi camps, who have been cut off from the world and banned from moving outside the camps for a long time now. year.

Moreover, the recent refusal of Algeria and the leader of the Polisario to participate in the next round tables that the new UN special envoy to the Sahara, Staffan de Mistura intends to relaunch, show that they have something to hide, and that the conditions are not favorable in the camps to accommodate him.

By Mohammed Ould Boah

About hicham

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