War in Ukraine: "Everything was in flames", testify civilians in kyiv after new Russian strikes | Moroccan Daily News

War in Ukraine: "Everything was in flames", testify civilians in kyiv after new Russian strikes


War in Ukraine: "Everything was in flames", testify civilians in kyiv after new Russian strikes


 While the Russian and Ukrainian delegations are to resume their talks on Tuesday, Russian strikes are increasing in kyiv.


The scenes have been repeated in the capital of Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion. According to Ukrainian sources, Kyiv, the capital, suffered five strikes just before dawn on Tuesday March 15. The explosions affected similar residential areas, consisting of several buildings.


In the north of kyiv, the impact took place at the foot of the building. The damage is major, all the windows have been blown in the neighborhoods, but there are only injured people. In the west, a fifteen-storey building was hit at the main door. The strike started a massive fire that engulfed the building. The death toll is two dead and several injured.


    "At four in the morning, I heard a huge explosion, all the windows exploded. We tried to get out through the main door, but it was impossible: everything was in flames."

    Irina, resident of kyiv



Irina lives on the seventh floor of this tower. “The firefighters were able to evacuate us by the ladder, she begins. There is only one man who is responsible for this, a man who attacks civilians and it is the president of the Russian Federation."

In search of Russian saboteurs


For a few days, the Ukrainian authorities have been insisting that these strikes affect civilians, among them MP Alex Goncharenko. The latter was in the affected western area on Tuesday. "You can look around, there are two schools, a kindergarten and no military objects. It's terror against civilians, Vladimir Putin wants to scare Ukrainians."


The strikes of the day surely partly explain the establishment of a curfew. It will be effective Tuesday evening 8 p.m. until Thursday morning. The latter could also allow the police to identify possible Russian saboteurs present in the city. Something feared by the Ukrainian forces since the beginning of the war.

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