10 Things You Didn't Know About Amish Women | Moroccan Daily News

10 Things You Didn't Know About Amish Women

10 Things You Didn't Know About Amish Women 


  These are facts that the Amish would rather not share with the rest of the world.

This religious group from the Northeastern region of the United States is known to keep away from modern technology, but there are many other rules they must follow. Women are subject to particularly strict restrictions.

If they don't follow the rules, they are punished or even kicked out of the community. This means that they can no longer see their friends or family. In a world where women fought for freedom in Western society, Amish life resembles what you would see in the Middle Ages. We've collected twenty of the weirdest rules and facts into one list.

1. Waiver

Amish women should always be polite, innocent and almost childlike. There are many strict rules that must be followed when it comes to Amish relationships. For example, sex before marriage is strictly prohibited. In order to strengthen the bond between the couples, they engage in a ritual called “bundling”. In this ritual, a wooden plank is laid end to end on the bed. This means the couple cannot touch each other while being able to talk for hours.

2. They must serve their husbands

Unlike modern society, women in the Amish community are not considered equal to men. In fact, women are expected to follow any suggestions or wishes of their husbands. This includes cooking, cleaning and taking care of children. Other than that, they don't really have a say in anything.

3. They have strange faceless dolls

One of the strangest and scariest creations of the Amish are their faceless dolls. Normal dolls are already scary to some people, but the Amish take things a step further. These aren't just normal toys: the dolls don't have faces so Amish girls and women don't focus on how they look or look good.

Focusing on one's appearance is considered a bad habit within their community. One of the Amish's most enduring spooky accessories are their faceless dolls (and Amish fireplace). The dolls are scary enough, but these symbols of their community take things a step further.

4. They like to party

Considering all their strict rules and rituals, one would think their social life is rather boring, but that's far from the case. Amish teenagers often throw barn parties or “hoedowns,” as they call them. For these parties, they buy a lot of alcohol and drugs and party all night long. Alcohol and drugs are a big problem among underage Amish. They are not as innocent as one might think.

5. They view photos as evil

Taking a quick selfie is a big no-no in the Amish community. And it's not just because most of them don't have phones. Taking a photo for yourself is against Amish beliefs. By posing for a photo, you are too preoccupied with your physical appearance and you run the risk of someone focusing only on their looks. It is the same principle that hides behind faceless dolls.

6. Children stop going to school at 13

The Amish are often seen as poorly educated compared to surrounding communities. And it's not for nothing. They only go to school until they are 13 or 14 and are not allowed to go to schools outside the community. This means that they do not receive any information outside their village.

Learning new things is practically impossible. Also, it is very difficult to get out of the community and find a job. Women have no choice but to be housewives.

7. 16-year-olds have the right to break the rules

When an Amish child turns sixteen, they have the opportunity to try anything that Amish society forbids. Technology, alcohol, drugs, everything is allowed. It's called "rumspringa," a ritual in which Amish teenagers must decide whether the temptations of the modern world are stronger than their connection to their community.

Once they decide they've partied enough, they're recognized as adult members of society. If they choose the outside world, they will be banished. Any contact with the friends and family they leave behind is prohibited.

8. Some Amish have computers

Eh ? Don't the Amish hate modern technology? That is correct, but in some cases they make exceptions. Amish-run businesses can use them so that all of their documents don't have to be handwritten.

One of the discoveries made by the famous Mennonite community is “The Classic”, an old-fashioned computer that looks like something made in the 80s. Their advertisement proudly announces that the computers have no games or internet capabilities. According to them, these things would lead to temptation, a terrible sin for the Amish.

9. They are the biggest exporters of dogs born in puppy mills

It's sad but true. The Amish community benefits from large-scale dog breeding. This often includes outrageous and cruel practices. Dogs' vocal cords are often cut to silence them and they are kept in spaces that are far too small. Some Amish ranchers make up to half a million dollars a year.

10. Breaking the rules leads to a permanent ban

For the Amish who have shamed their community, there is only one possible path: banishment. It can be many things: breaking religious rules, breaking tradition, letting a society go bankrupt. Once the person has been banished, they lose all contact with their friends and family. Any contact with the community whatsoever is strictly prohibited after the ban. If anyone from the community attempts to contact the banned person, the same fate awaits.

About hicham

I’m a Pro Blogger. Having my 3+ website. I got engineering degree in computer science engineering. But, I am more appreciated to online business. Now, I ‘m full time blogger and enjoying my journey as well. I started my online carrier since 2018, April. After, research more I got the blogging. Now, I working on Google Ads Network and Affiliate Marketing also.


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