She puts a rose stem in a potato and watch what happens a week later! Fantastic ! | Moroccan Daily News

She puts a rose stem in a potato and watch what happens a week later! Fantastic !

 She puts a rose stem in a potato and watch what happens a week later! Fantastic !

Turn a rose into a rosebush in no time!

We all love a nice bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table, unfortunately a bouquet of flowers is not always cheap and after a few days it already ends up in the trash!

The flowers are very beautiful and give your home a family atmosphere. They also smell very good! Unfortunately, flowers are quite expensive and not all of us have the green hands of a gardener. We have an awesome hack, with which you can grow your own roses in no time! You don't even need green fingers for that. And so you will always have a flower at hand. Ideal, isn't it?


Green Hands

Unfortunately, not all of us have green hands to maintain a beautiful flower garden. Fortunately, we have found the trick to have a beautiful rosebush in no time. You don't have to be good at gardening and you will always have beautiful flowers. Sounds nice, right? Everyone would like to have a beautiful bouquet of roses and thanks to this trick, you will soon have a garden full of beautiful flowers. All you need is a rose stem, a potato, a plastic bottle, potting soil and a pot. 


This is how we do it:

Choose a rose you like, remove all the leaves from the stem and cut the head of the rose diagonally (about three centimeters from the flower). If the flower is still beautiful, you can put it in a small vase.

Take the potato and make a hole in the potato, big enough so that the stem of the rose fits in and doesn't fall out. Cover the bottom of the pot with 5 centimeters of potting soil and place the potato on it. Now fill the rest of the pot with soil. Cut off the bottom of the bottle and place it carefully on the stem of the rose like a kind of bell. Water the rose occasionally (around the bottle) and watch your roses bloom like never before! 




About hicham

I’m a Pro Blogger. Having my 3+ website. I got engineering degree in computer science engineering. But, I am more appreciated to online business. Now, I ‘m full time blogger and enjoying my journey as well. I started my online carrier since 2018, April. After, research more I got the blogging. Now, I working on Google Ads Network and Affiliate Marketing also.


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