The most beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Sites | Moroccan Daily News

The most beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Sites

 The most beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Sites

UNESCO World Heritage refers to natural and cultural properties of exceptional interest for the common heritage of humanity. It is necessary to go back to 1972 to see UNESCO create a Convention for the protection of the world heritage, and in 1978, the first sites are inscribed on the list. Let us cite as an example the superb archipelago of the Galapagos. Since then, each year, several countries offer elements of their heritage, monuments or even natural environments, with the aim of obtaining this cultural recognition of great prestige. From Europe to Asia via Africa, America and Oceania, here are 10 of the most beautiful sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

1- The peaks of Saint Lucia

The Caribbean and its dream landscapes are the dream of more than one traveler in search of idleness in the sun, paradisiacal beaches and green landscapes. In Saint Lucia, an island that is part of the Lesser Antilles, there are two peaks that are part of the Qualibou volcanic chain. Called Gros Piton and Petit Piton, they culminate at 786 meters and 743 meters in height and are connected by the crest of Piton Mitan. There is a humid tropical forest, another humid subtropical, several varieties of plants and a fauna that flourishes there, including 5 endemic species of birds. It is possible to climb the peaks but be careful, you must be in very good physical condition. The site has been registered with UNESCO since 2004.
2- The chains of the Puys d'Auvergne

Endowed with 80 volcanoes aligned along a 32 km long fault, the Chaîne des Puys-Faille de Limagne gathers in a small perimeter a precious testimony of the rupture of a continent. The Puy de Dôme is the highest peak and culminates at 1,465 meters above sea level. Climbing offers a breathtaking panorama of the surrounding volcanoes and valleys. Hiking is also a flagship activity in the area, with trails suitable for all walkers. The Chaîne des Puys is also an opportunity to live new experiences such as being guided to the heart of the Lemptégy volcano and thus rub shoulders with old chimneys and volcanic bombs. The site was added to UNESCO's list of natural World Heritage Sites on July 2, 2018.
3- The Taj Mahal in India

Among the monuments listed as World Heritage by UNESCO is the Taj Mahal. You have to go to the city of Agra in India to have the chance to contemplate this mausoleum which was built between 1631 and 1653 under the orders of Shah Jahan. Registered with UNESCO since 1983, its architecture is flamboyant and brings together elements at the crossroads of Islamic, Iranian, Persian and Indian styles. The Taj Mahal is not only the sumptuous marble mausoleum, but there are also other monuments on the site including mosques, as well as gardens, bodies of water and fountains with perfect symmetry.
4- The Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve in Madagascar

The Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve takes place in the District of Antsalova, in the central western part of the island of Madagascar. The reserve reveals a great diversity of geomorphological structures, which appear like a large limestone cathedral. The sharp edges and crests bear the name of tsingy in Malagasy. It is unquestionably one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world. If the western part is covered with a dense and dry forest, the eastern part displays a forest interspersed by areas of savannah. The place, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990, is also a center of endemism, both in terms of fauna and flora.
5- The ancient city of Timgad in Algeria

In Algeria, the old Roman city of Timgad has remarkably survived the centuries to devour us in all its splendour. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982, the city is quite simply one of the oldest on the African continent. You can admire the Arch of Trajan, a large theatre, thermal baths, a forum and temples. The theater is one of the most impressive parts, with its location on the side of a small hill, its 63 meters in diameter and its capacity to accommodate 3,500 people. Timgad is a kind of African Pompeii, and its vision will forever mark the spirits.
6- The Lake Ohrid region in North Macedonia

The beauty of the Lake Ohrid region earned it UNESCO listing for its nature conservation values in 1979, and for its cultural heritage values the following year. The lake has existed for two to three million years and is home to many endemic species of freshwater flora and fauna. The city of Ohrid, built on the shores of the lake, is none other than one of the oldest cities in Europe. It is good to stroll through the narrow streets of its old town, as well as take a break at the foot of its key monuments, such as the fortress and the church of Saint Mary Peribleptos, which houses superb frescoes.
7- Tongariro National Park in New Zealand

If Tongariro Park was created in 1887, it appears on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1993. It was inscribed not only for the beauty of its landscapes, but also because it is a highly sacred territory for the Maori. Three active volcanoes notably make up the landscape: Mount Ruapehu, Mount Tongariro and Mount Ngauruhoe. Every year, a large number of visitors rush to the park, to ski in winter, but also to take advantage of the many possible hikes in summer. Tongariro National Park is particularly known for the famous Tongariro Crossing, a hike that takes place through breathtaking landscapes, undoubtedly among the most beautiful in New Zealand.
8- The Giant's Causeway in Ireland

A gigantic volcanic formation located on the coast of Northern Ireland, the Giant's Causeway is one of the most breathtaking landscapes in the territory. The site has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1986. You can contemplate more than 40 000 juxtaposed columns that immediately make you think of natural staircases. Some columns, made of gray basalt, can reach 12 meters in height. For walkers, the panorama offered is absolutely beautiful, between the volcanic formations, the sea, but also the many birds that live there, more than 80 species! To visit this site of myths and legends, it is better to favor spring. The Irish climate can indeed be temperamental.9- Rapa Nui in Chile

Located in the middle of the ocean, in Chilean Polynesia, Rapa Nui (Easter Island) is the most isolated territory in the world. This exceptional location contributes to making the place a mysterious, authentic and fascinating place. There are volcanoes, pink sand beaches, green meadows and above all, more than 1,000 moais, monumental statues of inestimable value. Built between the 13th and 15th centuries, one is immediately fascinated by these faces, bodies and busts sculpted in tuff largely from the quarry of the Rano Raraku volcano. The exceptional heritage of the island has been protected and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995.
10- The Chelbacheb Islands in the Republic of Palau

The Chelbacheb Islands form an uninhabited archipelago of Palau and take place in the states of Koror and Peleliu, south of the city of Koror. Since June 2012, the site of the South Lagoon of the Chelbached Islands, where there are nearly 450 limestone islets, has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. These islands, of volcanic origin, take the form of mushrooms of greenery surrounded by lagoons with translucent waters and coral reefs. It is also on this site that the greatest concentration of marine lakes in the world is found. Corals, birds, terrestrial and aquatic animals, the place is a biodiversity paradise.

About hicham

I’m a Pro Blogger. Having my 3+ website. I got engineering degree in computer science engineering. But, I am more appreciated to online business. Now, I ‘m full time blogger and enjoying my journey as well. I started my online carrier since 2018, April. After, research more I got the blogging. Now, I working on Google Ads Network and Affiliate Marketing also.


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