This Waitress Is Shocked When She Finds Out The Identity Of The Homeless Man She's Feeding | Moroccan Daily News

This Waitress Is Shocked When She Finds Out The Identity Of The Homeless Man She's Feeding

 This Waitress Is Shocked When She Finds Out The Identity Of The Homeless Man She's Feeding

The woman was completely in shock

Cindy, originally from Canada, decided to feed the homeless man who lives near her place of work. She is a sympathetic woman and she saw that the man was going through hard times, which Cindy could not bear. For her, it was an ordinary act of kindness, but for the homeless man, it was much more than that.

When Cindy found out who this person was, she was shocked. She hadn't expected her ordinary act of kindness to have so many consequences.

The homeless

Cindy worked as a waitress in a restaurant and took the same route to work every day. For a while, she always saw a homeless man sitting in the same place, near his work. Regardless of the weather, he always sat in one place with a lonely look in his eyes.

Cindy thought the man still looked very lonely. Yet the man himself didn't seem to care. He was always in a good mood and smiled at everyone who passed by. In fact, he never asked for help or money. All he wanted was to talk. Cindy finds this admirable, but she also thinks the man keeps his true feelings to himself.

little respect

The reason Cindy thinks this is because she saw that not everyone was always nice to him. She often saw people walk past him without even looking at him. She sometimes even noticed that an entire day passed without a single person stopping to chat with the man. In fact, sometimes people even laughed at the man. Cindy also once saw a group of boys spit in the man's cup. Something Cindy struggled to see and understand.

The time for action

One day, Cindy decided enough was enough. The man was always nice to everyone and it was time for someone to give him something nice in return. She hated that the man was treated like that. In her eyes, this man was worth no less than another and she decided to encourage him.


Cindy herself worked as a waitress at one of Canada's fanciest restaurants. The restaurant has managed to get no less than two Michelin stars and nothing but high quality is expected from this restaurant. Cindy was a waitress herself, but she dreamed of one day working in the kitchen. She was studying to be a chef and this part-time job allowed her to pay for her education and gain experience at the same time.

A lot of money

The food served in the restaurant where Cindy works is certainly not cheap. Guests spend a few hundred dollars per night. It was sometimes difficult for Cindy to understand, because just around the corner, homeless people were sleeping every day. The difference between rich and poor was painfully visible.

About hicham

I’m a Pro Blogger. Having my 3+ website. I got engineering degree in computer science engineering. But, I am more appreciated to online business. Now, I ‘m full time blogger and enjoying my journey as well. I started my online carrier since 2018, April. After, research more I got the blogging. Now, I working on Google Ads Network and Affiliate Marketing also.


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