Water: Significant increase in the prices of bottles of mineral and sparkling water | Moroccan Daily News

Water: Significant increase in the prices of bottles of mineral and sparkling water

 Water: Significant increase in the prices of bottles of mineral and sparkling water

This Thursday, May 26, Moroccans woke up to an almost general increase in the selling price of bottles of mineral and sparkling water. Ain Saiss, for example, which cost 5 DH/1.5 L, increased by one dirham per bottle. Oulmès Mineral Waters also increased the price of some of their mineral and sparkling water products.

According to a well-informed source within the company " Les Eaux Minerales d'Oulmès ", who confided in Hespress Fr, this price increase is due to the global context marked by the general increase in the prices of transport and raw materials.

"The suppliers from whom we buy the raw materials, whether in Morocco or abroad, have all increased their prices. In addition, the transportation of its imported raw materials has increased in addition to the addition of new taxes. The raw materials that we use and which have seen increases are related to the packaging (plastic, plastic caps, labels, etc.) that go into the design of the water bottle. There is also the increase in fuels. So the cost of transporting goods has also increased", explains our source. "All of its increases prompted us to increase the price of the bottle of mineral and sparkling water," she added.

The products that have seen an increase from the company " Eaux minerales d'Oulmès ", are top-of-the-range products, our source tells us, before assuring us that for the moment, no increase has been made on the plastic bottle of Sidi Ali 1.5 L or 2 L.

"The products that have seen an increase are high-end products, namely the glass bottles of Sidi Ali (75 cl) which have gone from 8 dh a bottle to 8.40 dh (+ 0.40 cents) or even the Oulmès glass bottle (9dhs against 9.50dh/75 cl). We have also increased the price of the 25 cl disposable glass bottle of Oulmès a little, since the packaging has changed. We went from a disposable cup to a non-returnable cup. Ain Aitlas of 5 liters has also increased by one dirham", explains our source.

While recalling that the national and international context of increases in fuel and raw material prices pushed the company to make its increases, our source concludes: " We have already experienced the boycott in 2018 so we know what it is the anger of the people. But this time, and given the general rise in prices at national and international level, we were forced to increase our prices," he concluded.

It is the 5L format which has seen an increase of 1 Dh in some regions and 50 cents in others. This represents an increase of 4 to 8% depending on the region. According to a well-informed source within the company " Les Eaux Minerales d'Oulmès ", who confided in Hespress Fr, this price increase is due to the global context marked by the general increase in the prices of transport and raw materials.

Indeed, according to Sotherma, which markets the Ain Saïss brand, since the end of 2021, the cost of plastic – which is the main raw material in our industry – has increased by +65 to 70%.

In addition, the global surge in oil and therefore diesel prices is driving up the cost of transport for all of our suppliers, impacting our supply costs, not to mention the explosion in the cost of distributing goods to across the kingdom.

Bottled water players have found themselves obliged to pass on the price increases of plastic and diesel to their selling price. This impact is partial given the magnitude of the increases in inputs.

Almost all of the players made price increases between the end of 2021 and May 2022, Aïn Saïss having been one of the last brands to have impacted the selling price, after having resisted for several months by compressing its margins and waiting in vain for the signs of a probable return to lower commodity and diesel prices.

About hicham

I’m a Pro Blogger. Having my 3+ website. I got engineering degree in computer science engineering. But, I am more appreciated to online business. Now, I ‘m full time blogger and enjoying my journey as well. I started my online carrier since 2018, April. After, research more I got the blogging. Now, I working on Google Ads Network and Affiliate Marketing also.


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