Marhaba, tourism… promising prospects for a great summer | Moroccan Daily News

Marhaba, tourism… promising prospects for a great summer

 Marhaba, tourism… promising prospects for a great summer


It seems that tourism is going well in Morocco. The streets of the medinas of the imperial cities like Marrakech, Fez... the seaside sites (Dakhla, Agadir Essaouira or in the north Tangier, Tetouan, Al-Hoceima, Saadia...) and other tourist sites are constantly seeing stroll more and more foreign tourists, locals, and MREs who have returned in large numbers to the Kingdom a little in advance of the summer season.

In this, they take advantage of the beautiful days that summering allows, the lifting of health restrictions at the borders, unsuitable for holiday consumption and above all the epidemic lull of Lady Covid, although... which dissuaded all travel enthusiasts from coming to visit the Morocco. For many compatriots, this is heartwarming, given a past season (2021) when we only reached 3.7 million tourists out of the over 15 million on average before the Covid-19 pandemic. . Also, there is great hope this year in the tourism sector (nearly 7% of the national GDP) of achieving, if not the right figure, at least a good average. One and a half million tourists have already arrived in Morocco between January and April 2022, according to the Moroccan Minister of Tourism, Fatim-Zahra Ammor, and at least three million visitors are expected this summer.

In terms of currencies, Morocco has already received 1.5 billion dollars between January and April 2022. Revenues exceeded 14.62 billion dirhams at the end of April 2022, against 6.54 billion dirhams during the same period. period of 2021, according to the Foreign Exchange Office. All good for the great hopes of a sector that is waking up from a coma. The Kingdom to further embellish its tourism statistics also relies on Moroccans around the world. In this regard, the French magazine Le Point gives us pride of place by heaping praise on Operation Marhaba, " which means "welcome" in Arabic, is the name of the operation that the kingdom launches annually beginning of June to welcome Moroccans residing abroad (MRE) in their country ". The review makes a nice observation in the changes of the Marhaba operation after the two years of shelving if one can say by highlighting the fluidity of the reception system in the Kingdom, in France, the Boot, and the Iberian Peninsula.

"23 reception areas have been set up, 17 reception sites installed in the northern ports and in all the airports of the kingdom. This year, two new sites were opened at Rabat-Salé airport and M’Diq. In addition to medical assistance services, the Moroccan authorities have put in place social workers, paramedics and volunteers. In short, more than 1,000 people have been mobilized by the Foundation for the smooth running of this summer period and professionals in the sector are already rubbing their hands". The magazine testifies to the eagerness and delight of our MRE to return to the motherland for the summer period through statements such as that of Hayat El Moundir, president of the Association of Moroccans of the department of Isère, from France . "Some even came home early, by boat. The prices are reasonable and accessible. No more mandatory PCR test for vaccinated people. Everyone is looking forward to coming to their native country." Le Point also praises the prices of the ticket office for the crossing " The tickets are not expensive at all, you just have to take them in advance and not on the eve of the trip ".

The first day of Operation Marhaba 2022 recorded some 13,000 arrivals, an increase of 40% compared to the pre-crisis period. Domestic tourism, which accounts for nearly 30% of overnight stays in tourist accommodation establishments, is not to be outdone. Moreover, during the health crisis, domestic tourism, which constituted between 50% and 70%, enabled the sector to survive for two years. In short, tourism 2022 in Morocco is combined in a festive atmosphere both on the side of professionals who hope to turn the page of the black period of Dame Covid and that of tourists whether foreign, local or MRE and who should suddenly sure to take advantage of the largesse granted to them.

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