Speech from the Throne: Le Monde returns to the new outstretched hand of King Mohammed VI to Algeria | Moroccan Daily News

Speech from the Throne: Le Monde returns to the new outstretched hand of King Mohammed VI to Algeria

 Speech from the Throne: Le Monde returns to the new outstretched hand of King Mohammed VI to Algeria

 The French media Le Monde returned to the speech of King Mohammed VI delivered on Saturday evening, on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the Throne Day. He highlights the outstretched hand "once again" towards Algeria to improve bilateral relations, offer the two neighboring peoples a better future, and give a good example of harmony to the other Maghreb peoples.

"During the traditional speech marking the anniversary of his accession to the throne, the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, extended + once more + his hand to Algeria, despite the breakdown of relations between the two Maghreb neighbors", underlines the large-circulation French media.

In this respect, the Sovereign could not have been more clear and direct. “We aspire to work with the Algerian presidency so that Morocco and Algeria can work, hand in hand, to establish normal relations between two brotherly peoples,” he said in his speech to the Nation. , part of which was devoted to Algeria.

For Le Monde, "Reforming King, Mohammed VI" pledged "to find a way out of the current situation and to promote rapprochement and understanding between the two peoples", while Algeria broke diplomatic relations with the Morocco in August 2021, accusing Rabat of "hostile acts" without providing evidence for these allegations.

Rabat, it will be recalled, deplored a "completely unjustified" decision by the Algerian authorities, at a time when Morocco had just offered its aid to Algeria by providing it with canadairs to help control the fires. forest that ravaged Kabylie.

The main dispute between the two Maghreb heavyweights, notes Le Monde, concerns the Sahara issue, where Algeria is the main support of the Sahrawi separatist militia of the Polisario which threatens the territorial integrity of Morocco.

The French media also cites another source of discord, according to him, Algeria being "support for the Palestinian cause, does not miss an opportunity to castigate the growing cooperation, in particular military, of Morocco with + the Zionist entity + ( Israel)”.

For his part, King Mohammed VI, castigated "the allegations that Moroccans insult Algeria and Algerians", considering that they are the result of "irresponsible individuals who strive to sow discord between the two peoples brothers ".

"These gossip about Moroccan-Algerian relations are totally senseless and sincerely appalling," he said.

Le Monde also points out that in the rest of his speech with a strong socio-economic tone, the Sovereign set Morocco's national priorities, including the reform of the family code in favor of women's rights, social protection, price control – in an international context of inflationary pressures –, and vaccination to combat Covid-19.

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