USA-Morocco: A partnership called to evolve more every day | Moroccan Daily News

USA-Morocco: A partnership called to evolve more every day

USA-Morocco: A partnership called to evolve more every day

 The partnership between Morocco and the United States, based on a "win-win" approach, will continue to evolve to bring the relationship to a level "more important than ever". This strategic partnership has been significantly strengthened thanks to the leadership of King Mohammed VI, says an American analyst.

American analyst and political commentator Calvin Dark said that the partnership between Morocco and the United States will not stop evolving in the coming years in the face of the joint challenges shared by the two friendly countries.

“Over the past year, under the leadership of King Mohammed VI, Morocco has undertaken efforts in key areas that will have an impact on the Kingdom and on its interests and relations with its allies around the world,” said the analyst said in a statement to the press.

He explains that Morocco has established itself in recent years as a key player in responding to regional, continental and global challenges, and this explains why the relationship between Rabat and Washington is both dense and multifaceted.

It relates to security and defence, to business, to the economy, to renewable energies. On the security side, “This security partnership is vital for the region as well as for American and European interests in the region,” he said.

The analyst cited as such the cooperation that was manifested during the African Lion's joint military exercises which attest to "Morocco's leadership as a reliable ally of the United States in the face of security challenges".

The two countries are carrying out actions to "ensure that their age-old partnership is constantly evolving to meet the challenges of the 21st century", indicated the political commentator, before discussing the economic side where the two partners ensure that economic cooperation is done according to a "win-win for the citizens of both countries".

He also cited Morocco's positioning as a "bridge between American investors and other African countries", citing the Morocco-United States Investment Forum in Dakhla as an example. Events like this, he believes, "are exactly what our two countries need to encourage economic prosperity."

These opportunities "particularly benefit the populations of the southern provinces given the significant impact of the economy and trade on the life of the communities", indicated the American analyst, and to continue that "the coming year, the United States will take more actions in line with its 2020 recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara to finally help resolve this decades-old conflict.”

He further stresses that Morocco's leadership in serving as a bridge between American investors and countries on the African continent "will have a positive ripple effect across the continent."

On energy, he foresees a boom in investments in the energy sector, stressing that the Kingdom has already established itself as a leader in green and renewable energies.

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