Rif War: Spain did not grant compensation of €100 million to Morocco | Moroccan Daily News

Rif War: Spain did not grant compensation of €100 million to Morocco

 Rif War: Spain did not grant compensation of €100 million to Morocco

The government headed by Pedro Sanchez has not approved compensation of 100 million euros for Morocco for violations committed by the Spanish army during the Rif War, says Radio and Television of Spain.

In its denial of information relayed on social networks, following an investigation, the public media specifies that, within the framework of the examination of the bill on democratic memory, Catalan and extreme left parties presented amendments providing compensation for victims in the Rif.

Proposals rejected, on July 14, by the majority of the Chamber of Deputies. After this vote, the draft sent to the Senate makes no reference to the Rif War or to chemical gases, indicates the same source.

As a reminder, in October 2021, the Catalan Republican Left formation (ERC for its acronym in Castilian) had asked the government to “recognize the responsibilities of the Spanish State and reparation for the damage resulting from the use of chemical weapons in the riff”.

The party had also called on Madrid to "assume its responsibility for the military actions carried out by the Spanish army against the civilian population of the Rif on the orders of its highest authority, King Alfonso XIII, during the years 1922-1927".

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