C24/Sahara: Bahrain reaffirms its support for Morocco's sovereignty and territorial integrity | Moroccan Daily News

C24/Sahara: Bahrain reaffirms its support for Morocco's sovereignty and territorial integrity

 C24/Sahara: Bahrain reaffirms its support for Morocco's sovereignty and territorial integrity

 Bahrain reiterated, before the UN Committee of 24 (C24), its support for the serious and credible efforts made by Morocco to reach a political solution to the Sahara issue on the basis of the autonomy plan and in the framework of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Kingdom.

Speaking at a C24 meeting in New York, the Bahraini representative stressed that the autonomy plan represents "the best and most lasting" solution to this regional dispute, noting that his country's constant support for the Kingdom of Morocco resulted in the opening of a general consulate in the city of Laâyoune.

Bahrain also highlighted the efforts of the UN Secretary-General to achieve a realistic and pragmatic political solution, based on compromise within the framework of Morocco's national sovereignty to end this conflict.

The Bahraini diplomat welcomed, at the same time, the efforts of the Personal Envoy of the UN SG for the Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, in particular the tour he made in the region from January 12 to 19.

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