ONP: 32% increase in marketed coastal and artisanal fishing products in 2021 | Moroccan Daily News

ONP: 32% increase in marketed coastal and artisanal fishing products in 2021

 ONP: 32% increase in marketed coastal and artisanal fishing products in 2021

 The National Fisheries Office (ONP) indicated that the value of coastal and artisanal fishing products marketed at the level of halls, Industrial Fish Approval Counters (CAPI) and wholesale fish markets, reached 9, 9 billion dirhams (MMDH) in 2021, up 32%.

In volume, these products reached 1,523,219 tons, an increase of 3%, indicates the ONP in a press release on its Board of Directors which met on Friday, under the chairmanship of the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Mohamed Sadiki.

Regarding the volume of products marketed at the level of the 1st sale, it amounted to 1,332,765 tons for a value of 9.11 billion dirhams, thus registering a growth of 3% in volume and 36% in value per year. compared to 2020, says the same source. This increase is mainly explained by the effect of the post-Covid recovery and the significant valuation of the average selling price of octopus (+52%), specifies the ONP. This performance concerned the Coastal and Artisanal fishing segments, the value of which increased by 25% and 66% respectively.

As part of its mission to organize the marketing of fishery products, the ONP continued its program to develop and upgrade marketing infrastructure.

In terms of contributing to the implementation of the energy efficiency strategy, the Office has equipped 3 other fishing villages (VDP) with photovoltaic power stations, thus increasing the total number of sites equipped with power stations photovoltaic at 11 at the end of 2021.

In terms of financial performance, the ONP achieved a net result of 10.45 million dirhams (MDH) in 2021, up 8% compared to the 2020 financial year.

Indeed, the evolution of production combined with the optimization of costs has enabled a marked improvement in financial indicators (added value, gross surplus, operating profit, etc.).

During this meeting, the Board of Directors approved the management report as well as the annual accounts of the ONP for the 2021 financial year. The Board also welcomed the efforts made by the ONP for the development of the sector and congratulated the Office for the results achieved.

About hicham

I’m a Pro Blogger. Having my 3+ website. I got engineering degree in computer science engineering. But, I am more appreciated to online business. Now, I ‘m full time blogger and enjoying my journey as well. I started my online carrier since 2018, April. After, research more I got the blogging. Now, I working on Google Ads Network and Affiliate Marketing also.


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