Othmane El Ferdaous presents the main lines of the development strategy of the public audiovisual pole | Moroccan Daily News

Othmane El Ferdaous presents the main lines of the development strategy of the public audiovisual pole

 Othmane El Ferdaous presents the main lines of the development strategy of the public audiovisual pole

The Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Mr. Othmane El Ferdaous, presented, Tuesday in Rabat, the main lines of the restructuring of the public audiovisual pole through a grouping of the National Broadcasting and Television Company ( SNRT), "2M" and "Medi 1 TV" and this, within the framework of the 2024 roadmap of the development strategy of the public audiovisual sector.

Speaking to the Commission for Education, Culture and Communication in the House of Representatives on the subject of "the strategy for the development of public broadcasting", the Minister noted that the restructuring of this pole involves the regrouping of SNRT, 2M (SOREAD) and "Medi 1 TV" following a logic which allows the State to manage its assets according to a strategic and integrated vision.

During the first stage, this regrouping will take place through the "accordion blow" process which will concern the capital of SOREAD-2M and "Medi1 TV", while the second stage will relate to the integration of "Radio Medi 1 "and" Régie 3 "(its 100% subsidiary) to the public sector after evaluation by independent experts, explained Mr. El Ferdaous, adding that the third phase will take place through the creation of an SNRT Holding with professional companies.

Regarding the specifications and the program contract, the Minister noted that the contract between the State and SNRT will be carried out through a balanced program contract including a detailed synergy plan in parallel with the modernization of the specifications. costs, the relaxation of economic restrictions when possible and adaptation to technological developments.

Regarding the legislative aspect, Mr. El Ferdaous said that a draft amendment of the legal and organic status of the audiovisual sector will be presented, in addition to encouraging small and medium-sized companies to opt for advertisements. audiovisual media with a view to strengthening the national commercial label, as well as the establishment of competition policy and digital platforms (2/3 of national digital investment) and the adoption of fairer and more efficient sectoral taxation.

In the same vein, the Minister raised the issue of the audiovisual acceleration zone, while mentioning the technological rapprochement between audiovisual games, cinema and video games, in particular the creation of a zone of economic acceleration centered on renowned training and research establishments, with a view to providing companies with an attractive and dynamic environment and infrastructures and equipment that comply with the best standards and a specific incentive program in order to incubate creative projects and improve the competitiveness of domestic export production.

The official also looked at preparations to promote the innovation capacity of the public-private partnership, after carrying out a study on the state of the market and investment trends in the three sectors: assimilation of the needs and forecasts of potential users of the area. He added that the restructuring of the public pole aims to create a better product through continuous improvement, focusing on proximity information and local content, accelerating digital transformation and technological rapprochement, preserving funding of the national audiovisual sector and by rationalizing State intervention in the renewal of capital.

Speaking before the same committee, the Chairman and CEO of SNRT, Fayçal Laaraïchi, presented a presentation on the financial and managerial situation of the Company in the light of the 2018 report of the Court of Auditors, evoking the implementation of the recommendations. of that jurisdiction within the appropriate timeframe.

He also addressed the evaluation of television products presented by SNRT during the month of Ramadan, in addition to the administrative situation and future programs, the ten-year review of the Amazigh channel and the program for the officialization of Amazigh in the area.

For his part, the general manager of "SOREAD-2M", Salim Cheikh, highlighted the respect of the specifications of the second channel for the year 2020, as well as the role of "2M" during the Covid-19 pandemic and territorial, cultural and linguistic diversity.

Mr. Cheikh also reviewed the place of programs in Amazigh within the schedule of the second channel, the commitment of "2M" in favor of parity and gender, the evaluation of the programming of the holy month of Ramadan, the development of news bulletins, the promotion of talk shows and support for national audiovisual, film and playwright production.

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